Who am I?
Personal Details

- Name: Orkun Çetin
- Date of birth: 21 June 1993
- Nationality: Citizen of Turkey
- Address: Çankaya/Ankara
- Phone: +90(506)-967-49-83
- Email: iletisim@orkuncetin.com
Profesional Profile
I am Orkun Çetin, 21 years of age, born on 21 June 1993. I've been living in Ankara, Turkey all mylife. Coding is one of my hobbies. I have recently done lots of apps, web pages. Traveling is my another hobby. I've been lost of city of Turkey but i haven't been to any foreign county yet.
I like watching movies and TV series.Iam currenty following Game of Thrones on the internet,a very fascinating series, based on a book by George Martin.I am an only child, and it gets pretty lonely growing up with no siblings to fight with.I was met computer with Windows 95 OS in 1996. I have been developing myself about IT technologies since 1996.
My Professional Background
Work Experience
2011 June - 2011 August
Republic of Turkey Social Security Institution
Job Description
I have worked 3 mounths as internship.I have gained lots of experiences about coding, network infrastructure and hardware.
2009 May - 2010 September
Çetin Accounting
Technical Service Personnel
Job Description
I heve been worked in Çetin Accounting for nearly 4 months.I was looking at computers and network infrastructure.Also i looked a pice of accounting jobs such as editing files. I gave up this job due to my education.
My Education
2012 September - - -
Bilkent Univerity
Computer Tecnology and Information Systems
School Profile Description
I have still student at Bilken university but my firs impression is really good.There are lost of facilities such as free school buses, sport center,many communities.I was vice president of Bilkent IEEE society in 2014.
2007 September - 2011 June
Gazi Anadolu Technical High School
Computer Technologies & Database
School Profile Description
The school is very huge.There are many departmants.I had wanted to study at electronic department but i choosed computer technologies.That day, my life was changed to technology.School's education was not very good but only our department's level of education was higher than others.I played active role at my departmant.When teachers have a problem or question about computer,they were asking to me.
What I’m best at
Skills & Knowledge
Language Skills
Very Basic
- C#
- Java(Android)
- Network Managment(NAS,FTP,WEB Server)
- LINUX(commands) Usability
- Mac OSX Usability
- Windows Usability
- Raspberry Pi Usability
- Arduino Coding
- Electronic Skils
- Building Android ROM
Hobbies & Interests
SportsI don't like sports very much but I like walking.I walk 8-9 kilomaters a day.'
MoviesI really love watching movies and TV series such as Game of Thrones. I like comedy, action and science fiction films.
TechnologyTechnology is a way of life for me. I really like follow the technology. I love discover and use new technological developments.
ElectronicI'm interested in electronic also.In my free times,i built new electronic projects, coding my arduino.'
TravelI like discover places where is new for me.
MusicOne of my hobby is listening metal music.I also play electro guitar in my free times.
Get in touch
If you chase two rabbits, you will not catch either one.
My Address
- Çankaya/Ankara
- +90(506) 967-49-83
- iletisim@orkuncetin.com